
Adele Thiel is an emerging Womenswear designer with a focus in conceptual based prints and tailoring. Starting with modelling in 2007, Adele’s insights into the industry led her to pursue fashion at the University of Technology, Sydney and the highly acclaimed Central Saint Martins, London.

Inspired by the aesthetically excessive world that we live in, her designs explore innovative textiles and prints with an eclectic yet illusory style of patterning. This is then contrasted with sharp tailoring that has a subversive edge with a focus on detailing. Adele designs for a modern woman who wants to express their unique personal style through fashion that questions what is conventional.

Follow me on Instagram @adelethielfashion

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


In our Professional Practice tutorial we were required to brainstorm five descriptive and emotive words to describe the style of our work as a young designer.  This may sound like a simple task however it proved to be very difficult, especially considering we are still in the process of discovering our true aesthetic.

To brainstorm this I started to think of my strengths that I want to show through in my final collection.  I love to play with colours and prints which is very significant to my aesthetic and style.  I also like to experiment with tailoring and small details and finding different unique ways to portray these details.  Often, my designs will portray a subversive or edgy undertone through these small details which can also come across as modern.  After quite a bit of brain storming I came up with the following words;

© Adele Thiel 2013 

I chose the word eclectic to be the main word to describe my style in the way that it describes my unique and diverse approach to print and textile design.  It can be quite quirky and random at times.  This is also the reasoning behind the use of the word playful.  My print designs often incorporate some hand drawn intricate playful squiggles along with geometrics which can also be quite playful in colour. Excess relates to the importance of detailing within my style, whether it is excessive use of textiles and prints or details or just a general overload of imagery combined with silhouette.  Structured describes the silhouette of my aesthetic and explains the geometric prints and garments that reference to tailoring.  My prints are mostly based on shapes and lines that have direction within a structured garment.  I also describe my aesthetic as textural in the sense that I try to use and incorporate textiles in new and unexpected ways whether it be textured fabrics or creating the illusion of texture through digital print.

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